Project Supervisor
Ines Heiland
I studied biochemistry and molecular biology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Free University of Berlin in Germany. During this time, I had the opportunity to do many research internships in different research groups for example at the University in Stockholm in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute or at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin allowing me to explore many different research topics. I did my PhD at the free University in Berlin and the Ruhr University of Bochum in the group of Ralf Erdmann (now an EMBO member) on protein transport processes involved in peroxisome biogenesis and did a short research visit at the University of Manchester.
In 2005, I started a postdoc at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena on measurement and analysis of (phospho-)proteomics. From there I moved into theoretical biochemistry and bioinformatics first within the field of circadian rhythm regulation and later exploring other biochemical processes such as tryptophan metabolism, NAD biosynthesis and consumption as well as mTOR signaling. In 2012 I started my own research group at The Arctic University of Norway. Since 2020 I have a second affiliation with the University in Bergen.
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BSysBio) group focuses on the development of mathematical models of molecular biological processes and related bioinformatics tools as well as on the development of new approaches for bioinformatics data analysis.
In recent years we focused on the development and analysis of stable isotope labelling based metabolite and protein modification dynamics. High resolution mass spectrometry approaches in combination with mathematical modelling allow us to investigate the crosstalk between metabolism and signal transduction/gene regulation by measuring and analyzing both metabolic fluxes and protein modification dynamics in parallel. Currently we mainly explore the dynamics and dependencies of NAD and (Acyl)-CoA metabolism and related PTMs.
Sharma S, Sauter R, ……, Ziegler, M, Heiland. I1 GEMCAT – A new algorithm for gene expression-based prediction of metabolic alterations - preprint:
vanLinden, MR, Høyland, LE, Dietze, J, ... , Heiland, I1, Ziegler, M1 Chronic depletion of subcellular NAD pools reveals their interconnectivity and a buffering function for mitochondria – preprint:
Alienke van Pijkeren, Jörn Dietze, .... Ines Heiland, Rainer Bischoff, Marcel Kwiatkowski1 Combined Metabolic and Chemical (CoMetChem) labeling using stable isotopes–A strategy to reveal site-specific histone acetylation and deacetylation rates by LC-MS Analytical Chemistry 2021 93, 38, 12872–12880
Dietze, J, van Pijkeren, A Ziegler, M, Kwiatkowski, M, Heiland, I Natural isotope correction improves analysis of protein modification dynamics Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2021413 (30), 7333-734,
Bockwoldt, M, Houry, D, Niere, Gossmann, TI, M, Reinhartz, I, Schug, A, Ziegler, M, Heiland, I Identification of evolutionary and kinetic drivers of NAD- dependent signalling PNAS 2019, 116 (32) 15957-15966