Project Supervisor

Andreas Lennartsson


I have a master’s degree in chemical engineering and biotechnology from Lund University in Sweden. After my engineering studies I became more interested in the medical field and started my PhD at the medical faculty at Lund University in Urban Gullberg’s laboratory. I worked on transcriptional regulation of hematopoiesis, with focus on myeloid differentiation. In the end of my PhD I touch upon epigenetic regulation and wanted to learn more. Therefore, I conducted my postdoc under Piero Carninci’s supervision at the OMICS centre at RIKEN in Wako-shi outside Tokyo.

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We worked on developing epigenomics technologies to study brain plasticity in mice. Our results showed that we could regain the young brain plasticity in old mice, by epigenetic manipulation. To obtain in depth mechanistic understanding of epigenetic regulation, I performed a second postdoc in Karl Ekwall´s group at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2015 I combined my interests in myeloid differentiation, acute myeloid leukemia and cell plasticity and I started my own group at Karolinska Institutet, where I have remained.

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We aim to identify key mechanisms that cause epigenetic and transcriptional perturbation in AML. Our long term objective is to find new ways to treat AML in both adults and children. The importance of the molecular crosstalk between epigenetic regulation and cellular metabolism is important in AML, where mutation in the metabolic enzymes IDH1 and IDH2 cause disturbed epigenomes that contribute to leukomogenesis. We are using OMICS technologies, biochemistry and molecular biology methods in both primary patient material and novel model-systems. 

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For me, creativity is a collaborative process.  We have close collaborations with both clinical haematologists and research groups that develop new methodologies, to be able to address our hypothesis. Within this network of technical know how, clinical expertise and scientific drive, we have the tools to make major advances in the treatment of AML.

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Perturbed epigenetic transcriptional regulation in AML with IDH mutations causes increased susceptibility to NK cells, Anna Palau, Filip Segerberg, Michael Lidschreiber, Katja Lidschreiber, Aonghus J. Naughton, Maria Needhamsen, Lisa Anna Jung, Maja Jagodic, Patrick Cramer, Sören Lehmann*, Mattias Carlsten*, Andreas Lennartsson*, Leukemia, 2023 Jul 26, DOI: 10.1038/s41375-023-01972-3

One omics approach does not rule them all: The metabolome and the epigenome join forces in haematological malignancies
Antonia Kalushkova, Patrick Nylund, Alba Atienza Párraga, Andreas Lennartsson, Helena Jernberg-Wiklund, Epigenomes, special issue Epigenetic Cancer Therapy: Targeting DNA and Histone Methylation. 2021 Oct 8;5(4):22 DOI: 10.3390/epigenomes5040022

AML Displays Increased CTCF Occupancy Associated to Aberrant Gene Expression and Transcription Factor Binding Huthayfa Mujahed, Sophia Miliara, Anne Neddermeyer, Sofia Bengtzén, Christer Nilsson, Stefan Deneberg, Lina Cordeddu, Karl Ekwall, Andreas Lennartsson*, Soren Lehmann* Blood. 2020 Mar 31:blood.2019002326. DOI: 10.1182/blood.2019002326

Cancer specific changes in DNA methylation reveal aberrant silencing and activation of enhancers in leukemia. Qu Y, Siggens L, Cordeddu L, Gaidzik VI, Karlsson K, Bullinger L, Döhner K, Ekwall K, Lehmann S*, Lennartsson A*. Blood. 2017 Feb 16;129(7):e13-e25. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2016-07-726877

A regulatory role for CHD2 in myelopoiesis.
Shahin Varnoosfaderani F, Palau A, Dong W, Persson J, Durand-Dubief M, Svensson JP, Lennartsson A. Epigenetics. 2020 Jan 10:1-13. Doi: 10.1080/15592294.2019.1710913