Recruitment call is now open!
16 positions available in the NUCLEAR network to build the future experts in metabolic regulation and genome function!
NUCLEAR is providing generous three-year fellowships starting in the 2025-2026 academic year, funded through the DN–Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions call of the European Commission. We are currently seeking 16 highly motivated Doctoral Candidates (DCs) to pursue their PhDs as part of one of the available research projects.
Doctoral Candidates (DCs) are the cornerstone of the NUCLEAR network, making the recruitment strategy crucial for attracting the most talented international researchers. The recruitment policies of NUCLEAR’s partners adhere to the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The selection process will be coordinated by IJC, (which currently coordinates two MSCA-COFUND doctoral programs and two DC programs). NUCLEAR will utilize the infrastructure and expertise of IJC’s HR department in organizing an international selection processes through a centralized recruitment process.
All beneficiaries will participate in the centralized process. However, some institutions will require DCs to also apply thought their own recruitment platform.
All Doctoral Candidates (DCs) will be recruited under employment contracts.
We welcome applications from DCs of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in cancer research, fulfilling the following criteria:
1. Eligible candidates must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.
2. Comply with the mobility rule meaning that eligible candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract.
3. Eligible candidates must have a master’s degree relevant to the chosen position (including biology, medicine, biochemistry, bioinformatics or a related discipline, depending on each PhD project) or its equivalent that would entitle them to a doctorate one month before the labor contract starts, or must hold an official university qualification from a country of the European Higher Education Area with a minimum of 300 ECTs of official university studies.
4. Successful candidates must have a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English, which will be assessed with the motivation letter and the interview, respectively.
Please apply through the NUCLEAR online application tool for one to a maximum of three individual research projects and provide the following information (in English):
- Personal details, including your full name, gender, nationality, and contact information.
- A curriculum vitae, including academic grades from examination periods (bachelor’s – and master’s if already available), and referees’ contact details.
- A motivation letter (up to 2 pages) outlining your research experience, academic accomplishments, and your interest in NUCLEAR and the specific research project. Important: if the DC is applying to more than one position, a motivation letter for each project will be required.
- Master’s degree certificate or proof that the required degree to be enrolled in a PhD programme will be obtained by the time of recruitment if not already awarded.
The selection process will be conducted in the following the next steps:
- Eligibility Check: The NUCLEAR Project Manager (PM) will review all the applications to ensure completeness and verify that applicants meet the eligibility criteria outlined earlier. The PM will be supported by IJC’s Human Resources Unit.
- 1st stage evaluation: Eligible applications will be ranked based on CVs and merits by the Training Advisory Board (TAB). Each position will have each own TAB composed by: Main supervisor, co-supervisor, and a member of NUCLEAR Training committee. First, TABs will evaluate each candidate based on: (i) academic record (40%, suitable training, awards); (ii) professional/research experience (20%, publications, conferences, mobility, intersectoral experiences); and (iii) motivation (40%, alignment of interest with NUCLEAR research topic).
- 2nd stage evaluation: The three top-ranked candidates passing a minimal score of 70% will be invited to an online Recruitment Workshop where they will get to know all supervisors and DCs. TABs will interview the candidates together with IJC talent officers and in the presence of members of the IJC international grants office that will act as rapporteurs following the interview guidelines distributed by the EDI board (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion board) to minimize discrimination and gender bias. Evaluation criteria for the interviews will be: (i) scientific knowledge (30%, solid background for the project); (ii) communication (30%, clarity in presentation, creative thinking); (iii) motivation and compatibility (40%, match with specific project objectives and affinity with the host group).
- Notification of Selection Outcomes: The NUCLEAR management team will inform shortlisted candidates of the results. Selected candidates will relate to the relevant HR Department and main supervisor to initiate the hiring process in the host institution.
Applicants who are not selected but receive positive evaluations will be placed on a waiting list to fill possible vacancies or future openings.
Application deadline: 17th March 2025
Announcement of preselection results and call for interviews: until 16th April 2025
Interviews: mid/end-April 2025. The three top candidates per position will be invited to the online interviews. Full details regarding the interview process will be sent to invited candidates during the arrangement of interviews.
Communication of the results: 15th May 2025
Recommended start of the fellowship: September-October 2025
The DN Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme offers a highly competitive salary and outstanding working conditions. Each contract includes the following benefits:
- Monthly living allowance: €3,400/month, which is adjusted using a country correction coefficient based on the cost of living in the country where the researcher is recruited. The correction coefficients are detailed in Table 2 of the MSCA Work Programme 2023-24, adopted on December 6, 2022 (European Commission Decision C(2022) 7550).
- Monthly mobility allowance: €600/month.
- Monthly family allowance (if applicable, based on family situation): €660/month.
All researchers will be hired under an employment contract that includes social security coverage. The living allowance is a gross EU contribution to the researcher’s salary costs. Therefore, the net salary is determined by subtracting compulsory social security contributions (both employer and employee) and applicable taxes (e.g., income tax) from the gross amount. The figures provided are for researchers working full-time on their project.
The mobility and family allowances are fixed amounts, regardless of the country of recruitment, and may be subject to taxation depending on the country where the researcher is employed.
For further details, please refer to the Horizon Europe MSCA Work Programme 2023-24, adopted on December 6, 2022 (European Commission Decision C(2022) 7550).
Other benefits
• Shared research and innovative multidisciplinary and multisectoral training by experts and experienced trainers from two sectors (academia and industry) and two research environments (clinic and basic).
• A structured training programme consisting of soft skill courses, targeted workshops, retreats, social events, and networking.
• Secondments at other institutions within the NUCLEAR consortium.
• Gaining experience abroad.
• Opportunities for participation in national and international meetings.
• Enlarged professional network and improved future scientific career perspective in academia and the private sector.