DC projects

Research project

The role of repeat elements in fat induced chronic liver inflammation and implications for NAFLD and HCC

Rationale and objectives:

Parting from strong preliminary data, we will unravel how fat-induced expression of noncoding L1 repeat RNA impacts chromatin structure and inflammatory response in NAFLD and HCC.

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Therefore, we plan:
• To apply multiple epigenomic and other omics techniques to characterize human liver cells challenged with saturated fats.
• To correlate with changes in expression of L1 and other repeats and chromatin modifications at their promoters.
• To test L1 RNAs as mediators linking fat-responsive epigenome dynamics to the activation of inflammatory response.

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Envisioned Secondments

UNIMI (Bonaldi) months 21-25 (4 months) to generate untargeted histone PTM profiles using MS and TFS (Strupat) months 30-31 (2 months) for training in performing and analyzing metabolomics.