DC projects
Research project
The role of histone metabolic reservoirs in liver cancer
Rationale and objectives:
Under conditions of metabolic stress, cancer cells are dependent on acetate and use hyperacetylated histones as reservoirs for lipid synthesis. We will test these reservoirs as potentially targetable vulnerability in HCC.
We plan:
• To examine the contribution of histone acetate reservoirs in lipid synthesis of liver cancer cells.
• To determine the factors and mechanisms that regulate histone acetate reservoirs in cancer cells.
• To evaluate the impact of histone acetate reservoirs in liver tumour growth and test their potential as target.
Envisioned Secondments
ISAS (Heiles) months 24-28 (4 months) to receive training in mass spectrometry-imaging for lipid profiling and TFS (Strupat) months 32-33 (2 months) for LC-MS stable isotope tracing metabolomics.
The estimated annual gross salary for the fellow will be €34.000 (approx.).
To apply for this position, please do it also through this website:
Only applications received in both systems will be considered.