DC projects

Research project

Metabolic crosstalk and nuclear acetyl-CoA metabolism in the hematopoietic niche

Rationale and objectives:

Examining the metabolic crosstalk between mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and leukemic cells and its role in shaping the epigenome is essential to uncover cellular interactions driving leukemia progression.

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Therefore, we plan:
• To generate and characterize MSCs and HL-60 AML cells with modulated acetate and acetyl-CoA metabolism.
• To establish co-cultures and measure metabolic flux, metabolic, chromatin and cellular differentiation states in both cell types.
• To identify similar pathways in biopsies and stratify results based on age and leukemic state

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Envisioned Secondments

KI (Lennartsson), months 15-19 (4 months) to obtain and characterize bone marrow biopsy material from AML and healthy donors; P4H, months 34-35 (2 months) to receive training in and perform Seahorse analysis in cultured cells.


The estimated annual gross salary for the fellow will be €39.000 (approx.).