DC projects
Research project
SCFAs as regulators of cell specification through epigenetic regulation in cancer
Rationale and objectives:
The levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the colon correlate with lower CRC risk. To gain a better understanding of how SCFAs impact on CRC cell type specification through signalling und epigenetic regulation, we plan:
• To apply tumour organoid live imaging of genetically encoded reporters to study the impact of SCFAs on cell type specification.
• To correlate influences with compartmental changes in ATP, NAD+/NADH and histone acetylation.
• To determine changes in gene expression, chromatin binding and structure in SCFAs-sensitive cell types.
Envisioned Secondments
CRG-CERCA (Sdelci), month 18-21 (4 months) to train in chromatin proteomics and data analysis. IJC (Buschbeck), month 22 (1 month) to receive a training in chromosome conformation.
The estimated annual gross salary for the fellow will be €44.000 (approx.).