DC projects

Research project

Elucidating the impact of metabolite-binding by histone variants in gene regulation and chromatin architecture

Rationale and objectives:

MacroH2A histone variants possess potential metabolite-binding domains. It remains unknown if metabolite binding contributes to macroH2A’s function in chromatin architecture and promoting AML phenotypes.

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Here, we plan:
• To engineer AML cell lines expressing wild-type and binding-pocket deficient mutants of macroH2A histone variants.
• To identify sensitive genes and to characterize consequences on their local 3D chromatin structure.
• To test for changes in metabolite levels and global consequences for the structural state of chromatin proteins.

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Envisioned Secondments

SU (Piazza), months 21-24 (3 months), to receive training on the generation and analysis of LiP-MS datasets. TFS (Strupat), months 34-35 (2 months), to receive training on the generation and analysis of metabolomics datasets


The estimated annual gross salary for the fellow will be €33.000 without family allowance; €39.000 with family allowance (approx.).