DC projects

Research project

Impact of nuclear localisation of enzymes on acyl-CoA-mediated PTMs on histone and non-histone proteins

Rationale and objectives:

How nutritional changes impact on chromatin localization of metabolic enzymes and the post-translational modification of histones and non-histonic nuclear protein is poorly known.

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Focusing on acylations, we plan:
• To develop mass spectrometry (MS)-proteomics workflows to profile lysine-acylations on histone and other nuclear proteins.
• To apply such workflows in multiplexed quantitative proteomics experiments, testing different nutritional perturbations.
• To assess changes in the association of metabolic enzymes with chromatin under most sensitive conditions.

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Envisioned Secondments

UiT (Heiland), months 16-22 (3 months) to receive training on data analysis and modelling of multiplexed proteomics data; SU (Piazza) 28-30 (3 months) to learn methods in LiP-MS for assessing conformational proteomics


The estimated annual gross salary for the fellow will be € (approx.).