Scientific Coordinator
Marcus Buschbeck
I started my scientific career by studying biochemistry at the University of Frankfurt in Germany and also studied two years of chemistry. I gained my first research experience during a number of internships including a longer one at the University of Oxford. Back then I became excited about how cells receive, process and transmit signals and decided to join the team of Axel Ullrich at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry in Munich for my PhD thesis. While I always knew that I would like to stay in science, it took me most of my last year as a PhD student to decide what topic I would like to approach next as a postdoc.
The early 2000 years were the time when we started to realize that chromatin modifications provide the molecular basis for epigenetic regulation. I found this fascinating and decided to join the junior group of Luciano Di Croce at the then newly founded Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona. I have been working on the topic since. In 2009 I started to do so as a group leader and in 2015 I joined the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute where I still am today.