The Nuclear Project

Metabolism was traditionally viewed as a consequence of cell identity, however, during the last decade it became clear that metabolism is an active regulatory mechanism in cell fate decisions. Metabolism affects cell identity by changing chromatin structure and thus the genome’s function in gene expression, both in stem and cancer cells.

Given the highly interdisciplinary nature of this emerging field, no single institution can provide all suitable infrastructures and the know-how required for high-quality training on the PhD level. To address this shortfall in training capacity, NUCLEAR brings together European leaders in metabolomics, functional genomics, chromatin regulation, stem cell biology, and cancer with innovators in precision nutrition, mass spectrometry technologies, and drug development.


Through our research and training activities, we will address 3 key scientific challenges in the interdisciplinary field of Metabolic Regulation of Genome Function:

Objective 1

To develop tools for the detection of metabolism in the nucleus and to enable its interpretation (addressed in WP1 ENABLE).

Objective 2

To understand how metabolism regulates functions of the chromatin template, including specific gene regulation (addressed in WP2 UNDERSTAND).

Objective 3

To test metabolism-chromatin interactions as targetable vulnerabilities in cancer cells (addressed in WP3 TARGET).


NUCLEAR aims to train the next generation of innovative and resilient scientists that will generate unprecedented level of insight into the Metabolic Regulation of Genome Function and Cell Identity and translate it into societal benefit.

The formation of the NUCLEAR network allows us to provide Doctoral Candidates DCs with unique interdisciplinary and intersectoral training in this emerging that does not exist in Europe or anywhere else in the world.

The training will be delivered on three training levels that complement each other:

  • Network-wide training will happen both at in-person meetings and through virtual modules and provide the basis for new skills.
  • Local training will happen at the host institutions, the PhD programs and during secondments allow DCs to apply acquired skills on the job.Personalized training will respond to requirements of individual DCs and their emerging needs.


Our 3 research objectives are addressed in three dedicated research Work Packages (WPs) that are interconnected but independent. In addition, there are three key additional transversal WPs are training, communication, management and ethics.

WP 1. ENABLE addresses the objective to develop urgently needed enabling methods (Lead by BI).

WP 2. UNDERSTAND aims understand how physiologically relevant metabolic perturbations are mediated by changes in chromatin regulation (Lead by UCPH).

WP 3. TARGET will bundle our efforts to translate knowledge into novel targets for cancer therapy (Lead by EISBACH).

WP 4.Three-level training and career development (Lead by CRG-CERCA).

WP 5. Dissemination, Exploitation and Public Engagement (Lead by P4H).

WP 6. Management, Recruitment, Ethics (Lead by IJC).